Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas!

Hello to all! Just wanted to fill in a little...this is just going to have to be the 'hit and miss' blogwoman! Anyway...we had an awesome day today! The girls were up at five and Santa must of stopped by way before then!

We have been singing on the karaoke machine, listening to ipods, playing board games, putting puzzles together, ect... We have had/are still having a blast! Hope your Christmas day with family has been as peaceful and exciting!

Most of all we are so blessed and thankful for the time we are having together as a family! Until you are without family you don't realize how sad it can be when apart! For the moment...four Slaughter family members are fitting in a king size bed JUST FINE! Can't wait to hear the words tonight...'Mom, please nuggle me...Dad, please nuggle me too!'

Good Night and Merry Christmas for the last time in 2008!

Monday, December 8, 2008

Ok...the truth

I was so hoping to be a better blogger but I must be honest...working mother answers it all!

Hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving! We were so blessed to be with family and friends! The most awesome times were with Erik. We miss him so much but know it won't be long until we're all under the same snuggly roof again! We plan on doing the same over the Christmas Break~

The girls and I spent the weekend with Mom and Cheney in Fredericksburg at the Christmas Festival! We ice skated, giggled a lot, sang at Luckenbach, and finished our trip with lunch in Llano at Cooper's. Luckily we had NintendoDS games...did I say that? I swore I would NEVER let our children play video games to pass time. Then reality set in and sanity is much better than the alternative!

Future trips...Paige has a heart appointment in Houston on December 21st. She only has check ups every two years so we're always a little anxious! Please keep her in your prayers...she and Bailey are such sweet girls!

Ok..until next time! Stay warm, love your family, and check your list twice!